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Bike Service & Repair


“Revolution’s quality, prices, and turnaround are, quite literally, the f***ing best. EVER.”
— A nameless but very important person who totally exists.
“If I had a bicycle, Revolution Cycles is most certainly where I would take it for service. There. I have done what you asked of me. Will you please let me go now?”
— Werner Herzog.


We stay pretty busy with repair service, so here’s what you need to know. We typically have a service queue. First come first served. If you need service ASAP and want to jump line, we just gotta charge you a little more. Sorry. Typical turnaround these days is about 48 hours, but variables, variables, variables. Be prepared for more.

Walk Ins

We do our best to service quick repairs like tire and tube changes on the spot, but it depends on how busy we are, and what the issue is. Always be prepared to leave your bike. K? Cool.

E-Bikes FYI

Yes, we work on E Bikes, including tire and tube changes, and normal bicycle related repairs. It typically costs more than traditional bikes because E Bikes are often awkward and/or heavy. It is what it is.

We currently do not service motors and electronics, but will point you in the right direction. Sorry.

No sketchy Amazon E-bikes. Seriously.

No scooters. For real. 

No gas powered motors. I mean, c'mon.

Service Rates and Packages

For the most comprehensive service and the best bang for buck, we recommend choosing one of our packages. They're pretty great.

Checkover/Tune-Up Lite


Adjust brakes and derailleurs

Safety check

Spit shine and lube

Standard Tune-Up


Full adjust/reset on brakes and derailleur

True wheels

Adjust bottom bracket and headset

Spit shine and lube

MTB Tune-Up Plus

$100 - $150

Standard Tune-Up with a Brake Bleed

Checking/Cleaning Suspension Pivots

Setting Suspension Sag

Really Great Tune-Up


Replace and adjust all cables

Bleed and adjust brakes

True wheels

Adjust bearings in hubs, bottom bracket, and headest

Clean and make excellent

Super Great Overhaul


Replace and adjust all cables and housing. (Including dropper post)

Bleed brakes

Replace Brake Pads

Overhaul bearings in hubs, bottom bracket, and headset

Total drivetrain cleaning


Clean and make MOST excellent

A La Carte Repairs

Tube/Tire Change $10-$15

E-Bike Tube/Tire Change $20-30

Tubelessify + Sealant $15-$20

Derailleur Adjust $10-$15

Brake Adjust $10-$15

Wheel True $15-$20

Replace Spoke $25

Hub Overhaul $30

Bottom Bracket Overhaul $30

Specialty Repairs

Brake Bleed $35ea/$50pair

Fork Service $50-$150

Shock Service  $50-$150

Wheel Build $60

Bike Build $30-$200 (depends very much on bike)

Pack Bike for Shipping $50

Very Important Additional Charges

Bike Reeks of Cigarette Smoke and Is Literally Stinking Up The Whole Shop $20
D.S.O.T. (dogshitontire) $20
 Spiders and Spider Eggs $10

Earwigs $10

Ants $25

Copious Dust $5

Once a bike repair is completed, customers have a very generous 2 months to pick up. After that, we charge a storage fee of $20 a week. After 3 months we sell the bike to recoup our costs.
I mean… really.

Find the right time to schedule your bike drop-off for service.

Home Bike Repair 

We recommend having a few products at home to help you keep your bike in excellent working condition. Just don't get yourself in trouble. That's why we're here. We have an excellent selection of essential tools, lubricants and cleaning products, and quality work stands. Shop online and pickup your items for free on your next shop visit.